Top 10 Reason To Own a Pool - Pool Builder Sarasota, Fl

1. Create a ‘Staycation': This is a word that has gained popularity since the early 2000s. Simply put, people are traveling less and spending more time at home. And as we all know, the more we find enjoyment through staying home, the more money we save on the natural expenses that come with any type of travel.
2. Family Time: I can personally attest to this benefit of pool ownership maybe more than any other. With all the new technology of the information age, families are being constantly pulled apart by a mountain of activities and ‘distractions'. Whether it's TV, Ipods, cell phones, etc; it can be tough for a family to truly share quality time. Such is the beauty of swimming pool ownership-no distractions. Only smiles, games, and the sound of laughter. I can definitively say that my family has a stronger relationship because our swimming pool brings us together.
3. Fitness: Although many adults buy swimming pools for the fitness component, most don't realize that their children will likely benefit much, much more in this area. Every summer, my children undergo a physical transformation from the end of spring to the end of summer. This is because they've usually gained a little bit of extra weight due to being inside so much during the winter and then they find themselves playing in the pool 3-5 hours a day once the summer is in full effect. Instead of being bored and looking for a snack in the pantry, they instead turn their focus to creating new and exciting games and activities in the pool. And the beauty is that EVERY activity they do in the pool involves exercise of some shape or form.
4. Stress relief: When customers debate over whether or not a pool will be a good investment, they need look no further than the fact that being in and around a pool is easily one of the most natural stress relievers in the world. There have been many times when I've been under pressure from the typical stresses of being a husband, father, and business owner only to find my worries washed away as I toss my kids in the air and watch their laughter as they splash into the water.
5. Kids Bedtime: This is a benefit that most parents have never thought of until they actually own a pool. As many parents are well aware, it can be difficult to get children to bed on time, especially during the summer. This is because they can tend to get just a little ‘wrung up' during this exciting time of the year. And so what's the cure for this dilemma? Well let me assure you that nothing will tire a child our more than playing outside in the pool all day. In fact, instead of me shouting commands, my kids will often tell me that they are going to bed during the summer. How about that for a benefit?!
6. Church/Group/ Community Activities: This benefit isn't necessarily for everyone, but it's one that my family has embraced since we had our pool installed 4 years ago. We've had multiple church and youth group activities in our pool that have lead to many wonderful experiences and stronger relationships with other persons that we may otherwise not have had. I am a stronger believer that pools bring families and friends closer, and such shall always be the case as we continue to extend our blessings to others.
7. Aquatic Therapy: Similar to fitness, aquatic therapy can be a major benefit of pool ownership. In fact, swimming pools have blessed the lives of many with such issues as fibromyalgia, cerebral palsy, as well as other illnesses.
8. A Reason to Stay Home: When it comes down to it, many parents worry about what will happen to their children the older they get and the more time they spend at their friend's houses versus their own. This being said, swimming pools are a wonderful incentive for children, and their friends, to stay home (your home) versus going other places. And trust me when I say it's comforting to watch your children relate to their friends as they grow from little kids to young adults.
9. The Grandchildren: Ah yes, the wonderful grandchildren. When it comes to giving the grandkids a reason to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house, nothing adds quite the incentive a swimming pool does. In fact, during our 9 years in the pool business, I'd venture to say we've installed at least 100 pools specifically for this purpose. And let me assure you grandparents, the incentive works, sometimes almost too well!
10. Home Improvement Value: The National Association of Realtors recently came out with an article discussing the fact that inground fiberglass and concrete pools increase the value of homes on average 7%. In other words, on a $500,000 home, a swimming pool will typically add about $35,000 worth of value. So there are my top 10 ways owning a swimming pool will benefit your home, your happiness, and your health. What are your thoughts? Have you any to add to this list? As always, I welcome any comments below.